Sunday, 1 January 2012

Flashback! - The best of Knowledge Pool in 2011

The Knowledge Pool is a team of bloggers (authors of this blog including) who work hard to give you the best casual Magic: the Gathering content on the net.  Today I present you the highlights these guys produced in 2011 in an all-mighty Flashback.

"What is Casual"
by Daryl Bockett on Muse Vessel
The best definition and analysis of casual Magic: the Gathering so far.  Daryl tries to define what casual is about - and what not.
Other famous articles from Daryl include:  “Security Curve Theory” (Part I and Part II) and “Worst Rule in Commander”.

"Make your Own Rules"
and "Real Talk Redeux"
by Andy aka GHoooSTS on
These two podcast episodes feature Q&A with Alex Kenny aka Ban-ki-moon, a member of the MtG: Commander Rules Committee.  He explains many of the reasons why Commander is the way it is today.  He also gets across some motivations behind banning or not-banning certain cards.

“Trading In The Smartphone Age”
by Dominik Schönleben on
This article explains how trading Magiccards has changed recently through the diffusion of the smart phone.  Dominik explains how haggling and “the good deal” have been lost through technology.

“Politics, Complexity and Multiplayer Strategy” (Part I,  Part II and Finale)
by Daryl Bockett on
Muse Vessel
A sweeping blow about the diverse angles of politics that can happen in MtG: Commander. He separates politics from strategy and gives an in depth analysis.
"The Battle to Defend the Peaks"
by Owen aka Zimagic on The Crazy 99
This little short story illustrates how an MtG: Commander game could look like when told from a narrative angle.  Owen uses his imagination to tell the story that lies behind any match.

“Life is Worth Living!”
and “Who Died and Made You F##king King of the Zombies!!!”
by C. R. Russell on Three To The Face!!!
If you like checking out decks for exotic Generals to get inspired, like us, C.R. Russel is your man.  These two pieces about [card]Daughter of Autumn[/card] and [card]Balthor the Defiled[/card] are his highlights from 2011.

From the “Generally Speaking” series: “Homura, Jedi Knight”
and “Erayo, Clockwater Ascendant”
by Imshan aka Sinis on
Comparing these two articles could not be more controversial.  In this article series Imshan normally surprises us with a wacky non-Magic related theme.  [card]Homura, Human Ascendant[/card] aka Obi-Wan Kenobi as a prime example for this, stands in stark contrast to his very competitive variants of [card]Erayo, Soratami Ascendant[/card].

“Horde Magic: A New Way to Play Magic and Survive Zombie Invasions”
by Peter Knudson on
After the Epic Design Fail form Kenneth Nagle in 2011, “Horde Magic” is taking over as the only viable one-vs-many variant Magic: the Gathering has to offer.  In this article Peter Knudson explains the basics of his newly developed variant and how to built your own Horde-Deck.

“If I Can Podcast, So Can You”
by Andy aka GHoooSTS on
You always thought CommanderCast is produced by a brilliant team of 20 professionals to be as awesome as it is - we have to disappoint you.  Here Andy, the hard working producer behind the best MtG: Commander podcast on the Internet, explains to you “how to make your own podcast”.  If you ever had the desire to get out there, follow his lead.

“I Hate Sol Ring and All that it Taps For”
by Brandon Isleib on Muse Vessel
Brandon does not like people who tell him what he has to play.  Staples like Sol Ring are no exception. Find out why the obvious choice is not always the right one.
Other famous articles from Brandon include:  “Decktagon” and “One Thing Leads to Another”

“Whiskey Identity”
by Sean Patchen on
If you thought Magic: the Gathering and alcohol should not be combined, Sean proves you dead wrong. Sean, a true bon vivant, presents to you an exhaustive list of finer Whiskeys to go with each specific deck you have.

“Goblins and From the Vault: Legends”
by Cassidy Silver
This article relives a moment from Cassidy’s youth, where he had the one dream fulfilled every Magic: the Gathering player has (apart from winning the Pro Tour maybe): Meeting Richard Garfield, creator of the game we love. If you want to know why Richard Garfield first picked [card]Gobblin Digign Team[/card] in a Sixth Edition draft you must check out this piece.

“Call of the Nerd”
by Bruce Richard on Muse Vessel
No best-off list for 2011 would be complete without an response article to Alyssa Bereznak’s Gizmodo article about her date with World Champion Magic player Jon Finkel.  Bruce gets on his soapbox and speaks up for the “nerds” she disses.
Other famous articles from Bruce include:  “Standing Up for Sitting Back” and “Are you Done Yet?”

That’s it for Knowledge Pool in 2011.  I hope you liked being flashbacked.

Keep it also casual next year, though 2012 it might be the end of days.  

Yours Dominik Schönleben (